Friday, July 5, 2013

Tree Bench

Build a comfy, stay-cool spot with room for the entire family! It practically looks like it's a part of the tree itself.

To build an octagon tree bench you need to level the ground near the tree. Clear and flatten any uneven ground around the perimeter of the tree. Remove all the rocks, shrubs and grass around your tree. Use a garden rake to loosen the soil around the tree, being careful to not damage or stress the tree roots.

Measure the area where you will build your bench. You can base your measurement on the size of the trunk of your tree. The bigger the tree trunk, the wider the bench can be.  Measure the diameter of the tree's truck in inches. Add 6 inches to this measurement if the tree is mature or add 12 inches for a young tree. Divide this number by 1.75. This will

Make an outline of the shape of your bench. Mark each corner with a piece of wooden stake and tie a piece of string around them to connect all four corners.

Dig eight holes about 12 inches deep and 8 inches wide. Position each hole about 15 to 18 inches apart in two rows about the same distance either side of the trunk. Pour 2 inches of gravel inside each hole.

Pour mixed concrete inside the hole for added support. Straighten up each leg and check that they're level. Allow the concrete to dry overnight.

Check the newly installed legs. Check that they are all level and measure for equal height. Trim down any leg that is higher than the others using a handsaw or circular saw.

Prepare the legs. Cut eight pieces of 1 1/2 inches by 3 inches softwood, treated with preservatives, about 27 inches high each. Insert each piece into the hole.

Place the landscaping timber on a flat surface. Set your miter saw at 22.5 degrees and make all cuts at a 22.5 degree angle. Hook the end of the tape measure over one end; measure and mark the timber at 1 inch and 37 inches. Cut opposite 22.5 miter cuts at the 1-inch and 37-inch marks to create a trapezoid. Repeat for the remaining seven sides of the octagon tree surround.

Sand any rough surface and edges with the medium grit sandpaper. Remove the dust using tack cloth or wet sponge. Apply two coats of paint or wood stain of your

Construct the 3-foot octagon tree surround around the outside edge of the tree. Match the opposite angles together to create the eight sides.

Check these plans.

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