Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Planning Your Front Yard Landscape - Trees

When it comes to trees, a decision in haste can lead to a lifetime of regret. Many trees grow more beautiful with each passing generation. Others have the potential to create decades of trouble, dropping messy fruit or bothersome leaves and sticks. So take your time and select the tree that offers the best combination of qualities you will enjoy.

Although there are dozens of great trees from which to pick, you need to be aware of a few factors when selecting a tree:

What is the time involved in pruning and upkeep?
Does it have fruit, nuts or cones?
Will it grow in your area?
How large will it get?
What are the root systems like?

Trees also have their liabilities. Some have thorns that make them unsuitable for homes with children. Others are weedy. Some are messy: sycamores and relatives of the London plane tree drip fuzzy balls, bark, and twigs all over the place. The spiked balls from sweet gum trees and the runaway roots of willows present challenges as well. However, if you choose the right place for some of these less-desirable varieties, you often can overlook their faults and enjoy their virtues instead.

After a little research I found the following to be the best trees for planting in North America.

The Top Ten Trees for Planting:

  1. Red Maple
  2. Yellow Poplar
  3. Red and White Oak
  4. Flowering Dogwood
  5. Sycamore
  6. American Elm
  7. River Birch
  8. American Holly
  9. Redbud
  10. Conifers

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